I recently heard of a fantastic assignment given by Bryan Birch, an instructor over at the Academy of Art University here in San Francisco. I have a scriptwriting class that I'm teaching at Miami Ad School starting in a couple of weeks, and I plan to steal this idea and use it as the first assignment for my class.
The assignment is simple: put together a portfolio of ads you wish you had done. Not ads you have done--ads that other people have done that you absolutely love.
Bryan has his class bring in three and then asks the students to discuss them. With each student's three ads, the class talks about the similarities. "The string that turns the 'beads' into a 'necklace," Bryan says. For example, absurdity might be a common element in each of the ads. This is basically the style of ads you like to do. And there can be several strings in each group. Bryan then has the students bring in ads that they have done that fit on this string.
This gives the students a "North Star," as Bryan calls it. It helps them to recognize and articulate the kind of ads they like to do, see opportunities to work those traits more into their book and push for that in their future assignments. If you quirky, dry humor, it should be in your book. If you hate sappy stories, you shouldn't have those in your book. The point of your job search is to find you a job that you will love (and hence where you will thrive). An agency that wants you because they want you to do the kind of work you like to do--the kind of work that should be reflected in your portfolio.
For my students, I think I'm going to ask them to build a full reel--7-10 spots (or something that has a script)--and put together a Pinterest board. Pinterest is perfect for this kind of thing.
Having a dream portfolio sets a bar. Probably a pretty high one. And with every ad you do, you can look and say, "Is this good enough? Would I put this in my dream portfolio? How can I make it more like the stuff in my dream portfolio?" Wouldn't it be nice if one day, many years for now, your dream portfolio was made up entirely of your own work?